Modern Gum Treatment


Gum disease is very common here in Las Vegas. Fortunately, modern techniques allow us to treat gum disease and prevent tooth loss. Lets look at the two most common gum conditions and discuss treatment for each.

Gingivitis- red, swollen gums caused by your body reacting to food and bacteria accumulating on the teeth. This accumulation is called plaque. When it hardens over time, it is called tartar. Gingivitis is very common and easily reversed in most cases by daily flossing and routine professional cleaning.

Treatment for most forms of gingivitis is simple. It consists of a routine cleaning, fluoride treatment, and pointing out areas where you need to brush and floss better. Listerine or prescription chlorhexine mouthrinses can help to get gingivitis under control, but are not necessary for routine hygiene and NOT a substitute for flossing.

Periodontitis- gums and supporting bone receding away from teeth. Often the supporting bone recedes from the teeth without visible gum recession. This creates a pocket which fills with bacteria. Your body attacks this bacteria and also destroys the supporting bone attached to the teeth. Periodontitis will lead to loss of teeth if left untreated for too long. If you suspect that you may have gum disease, you need to call Modern Dental Care immediately to schedule a checkup exam. During this exam we will measure the amount of bone loss and find out the condition of your gums and teeth. A treatment plan will be tailored to your individual needs.

Treatment for Periodontist is tailored to your unique needs. We begin by numbing the area to be treated and cleaning all calculus from the surface of the tooth and root, below the gum using gentle ultrasonic instruments. In area of deep bone loss, an antibiotic medication such as Arrestin will be placed. Gum treatments can be done in one long appointment (1-2hrs.) or two short appointments (30min- 1hr. each)

This initial treatment may be followed by replacement of select fillings or crowns to improve your abilty to keep the teeth free from bacteria (for example- an overhanging filling that shreds floss may prevent you from cleaning bacteria between teeth). A prescription mouthrinse may be advised for two weeks following the initial gum treatment.

Every patient that has periodontal treatment needs to be seen back in our office one month later to evaluate healing. The results of your gum treatment depend on several factors, some of which you control, others you may not. Lets look at some of these factors:

►Home hygiene is the most important factor. You need to be meticulous in following our oral hygiene instructions. The first two weeks is most critical.
►Severity of gum disease. Mild gum disease usually responds better to treatment that advanced cases.
►Condition of teeth- cooked, crowded, decayed and poorly restored teeth will delay or prevent healing.
►Anyone with decreased immunity will have a slower response to treatment
►Uncontrolled diabetes prevents your body from responding to gum disease by slowing down the white blood cells responsible for fighting infection. We will work with your physician to make sure you blood sugar is in a healthy range.
►Smoking will decrease healing. You should consider quitting this bad habit. Cutting back may help.
►A good diet improves your chances for success

In rare cases we may feel that your condition is best treated with a surgical procedure. In these cases, we refer treatment to a caring gum specialist right here in town. Likewise, if you are not responding well to our advanced treatment protocol, we will seek consultation with the gum specialist (periodontist)


Anonymous said…
Gum disease is an inflammatory disease that if left untreated may lead to tooth loss by attacking the gums, bones and other supporting structures of the teeth.

Las Vegas periodontist
Gum disease should not be ignored. The treatment of this disease is not costly. affordable dental implants costa rica